Sunday, October 31, 2010

A New Resolution

Sorry I have been away so long from bloggong here, but I have had to expand my income to help the current administration pay for its $14 trillion debt it belives we need. So with my free time almost nothing and my ability to get any sleep, I will try to post new blessaies (term Taken from Stephen Fry), from now on - starting as soon as I get some sleep, grade papers, walk the dog and find an actual day off.

So for my followers, all four of you, keep the faith as I try to do better. For anyone who becomes a follower, GREAT! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Now that being said, here is what you will see as you follow along; more observations and commentaries as I am now embarking on a writing career to finally finish my list of things to do before I croak. I am working on a short story for submission to a magazine, as well as to get on a writer for a online magazine, so if you know anyone who is looking PLEASE TELL ME... (sound of begging added here).

There will also as always be cartoons for each blessay as you have seen before since I am a cartoonist I love to illustrate my stuff to add a good right to the jaw, so enjoy those.

Well it is off to job #2, but I wanted to let you guys know I am still here.

P.S. I am going to add "Oprah" and "breasts"to key words to see if my viewing goes up - you just never know.