It is a widely held opinion among the wildlife community that the human race must in fact really dislike the planet Earth. Now this may come as a shock to the human race at large, but it has been a real concern of the animal population since man came out of the trees and began to walk upright and started building civilizations. As far as the animals are concerned, Earth Abuse pretty much started with the establishment of cities, and man believing he is at the top of the food chain.
Now this has not been the case for all of man’s history, the Native Americans, certain African tribes and even the peoples of what has been termed, “backward” cultures, have learned to live with nature and the animals, taking only what they need and wasting nothing. But with the rise of modernization and technology, plus the added increase in fast food franchises, this has all gone by the wayside.
Now it should be stated that all of the human race are not at fault for this problem, in fact it is only a small section of the human population that is of the biggest concern, and if you who are reading this, and are not part of this section, then you can just sit back and laugh at those who are. The groups at fault are those that drive cars, live in environmentally controlled homes, and have cell phones and more than one computer in their environmentally controlled home. These are the people that the animal kingdom feels are the ones who have decided that their world should evolve into a large waste dump, and the quicker the better.
Have you Ever Thought About…
When a seagull dives down to gather food as has been their nature since they evolved from flying lizards, in the crisp and vastness of the ocean and becomes entangled in a plastic multi-looped death trap that is not of nature, but tossed overboard by a passing boat carrying party goers out for a cruise complete with alcoholic refreshments, then it is taken as writ that the seagull should take offense. Even the dolphin swimming behind the boat that swallowed the empty can and choked because his fellows can’t actually help him extract it, due largely to the lack of hands and arms to perform the Heimlich Maneuver.
Another such incident occurred when a young deer comes to a stream and lowers her graceful head to sip from a clear stream to taste only dish soap from a campsite where a family has just finished their meal and have cleaned the dishes in the stream just a few yards up from the dear, again one would see the animal kingdoms point. Also the fact that a bear happens to come by to help his friend the deer put stumbles over an empty cardboard carton filled with empty beer cans left by some college kids out for a quiet drink and “forgot” to take it with them, thus causing the bear to fall and injure himself.
Past Earth-to-Waste-Dump Achievements
Let us not overlook the other forms of human quick-destruction elements that have affected the animals:
• Deforestation – home loss for tree living animals, well as oxygen depletion for all life
• Toxic waste – one three eyed fish is a joke, but 6 million dead ones is not
• Air pollution – no it hasn’t gone away, it just not a big a fad problem as in the 60’s and 70’s
• Increase in human population- more people means more need to kill animals for McRibs
But the biggest and most frightening of all is EXTINCTION. This is the one that concerns the wildlife of Earth the most. To put it into terms humans can understand, one day your school or office is filled with all manner of ethnic mixing you can think of, can you picture that? Now let us say that the next day one section of the whole office, say the Asians, seemed to get less, and this continues to the next day, and the next. By week’s end all the Asian are gone; your best friend, your fiancĂ©, your favorite hot girl at the coffee cart. Do you see that picture now? That is what it is like for the animal kingdom, fellow beings gone and never to return, not pretty is it?
Closing Thoughts
So when you see some trash left at a campsite, or along the side of the road while you drive by with your GPS telling you in that annoying HAL 9000 voice, how to drive and where to turn to find tasty McRibs, feel safe and secure in the knowledge that the quick path to planet-to-waste dump is moving ahead as planned. And if you are waiting for a bus or trolley and a bird just happens to leave a bit of waste on your shoulder, don’t get angry, he is just saying, “Thanks for nothing, Mr. High on the food chain.”
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